My cocker spaniel Buddy is the love of my life—but don’t tell that to his cocker “brother” Rolo. Buddy was my first dog and is even dearer to my heart because he is a Senior Concerns’ dog. Ten years ago Buddy was rescued from the pound by an employee of Senior Concerns. Three years later Buddy’s owner had to return to Hawaii to care for an ailing family member and allowed my husband and me to adopt the dog. Our days have been so full with Buddy in our lives. I love our morning walks, and through Buddy I really did learn how to stop and smell the roses. I also learned the real value of “things.” Buddy ate my husband’s expensive leather shoes, broke the face of his watch, pulled at the tablecloth and destroyed my heirloom vase. But these were only “things,” and Buddy gave us so much joy that none of it mattered. Buddy We saw Buddy through a number of health scares, the most serious being a mast cell tumor that resulted in the loss of his tail. I began to think then about his...