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Brainstorming 4 Us News

Disability Rights California


  • 24 September 2019
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 1984
Disability Rights California

The Protection & Advocacy for Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury) and Disability Rights California will be speaking on programs that provides advocacy assistance, education, and outreach to build community awareness to support and promote the rights of people with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).


A Special Thank You

  • 15 September 2019
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 2018
A Special Thank You

We would like to thank Scott Glovsky, ESQ. for his generous donation of "Fighting Health Insurance Denials" for our brain injury resource bags. This is a wonderful and much needed resource for families when they are denied claims and uncertain how to maneuver or appeal big insurance companies.

Scott’s expertise is a blessing to us all, not just during the initial trauma in the hospital but for a lifetime of battling insurance companies.

With warm thanks,

Lisa Moss

TBI Med Legal Conference

  • 12 September 2019
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 2229
TBI Med Legal Conference

This year Brainstorming 4 Us will be a attending the TBI Med Legal Conference in San Diego and showcasing our Brain Injury Resource Bags. 


Blood test detects concussion and subconcussive injuries in children and adults

  • 12 September 2019
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 1316


Study: Blood test detects concussion and subconcussive injuries in children and adults

Traumatic brain injury with no symptoms can cause wear and tear over time







In one of the largest studies of its kind, researchers at Orlando Health are making new progress in finding ways to detect a traumatic yet sinister brain injury -- and getting closer to preventing further damage.

Subconcussive injuries often show no symptoms or immediate effects, but can cause wear and tear on the brain over time with repeated injuries. The latest study, published in the journal BMJ Paediatrics Open, includes more than 700 emergency room patients -- children and adults. The study gets us closer to developing a standard blood test to spot these injuries as early as possible.

"A unique feature of this study is that it includes patients who hit their heads but have no symptoms," said Linda Papa, MD, lead author of the study and emergency medicine doctor at Orlando Health. "This group is rarely -- if ever -- included in biomarker studies."

The blood test looks for two proteins (GFAP and UCH-L1) found in our brains and released into blood after an injury -- higher levels of which could indicate a concussion or subconcussive injury. Dr. Papa has been studying these biomarkers for more than a decade. Some of her previous studies have focused on athletes, but now she's expanding her research on subconcussive injuries to the general population and all age groups.

Historically, people who suffer head trauma without concussion symptoms may have been classified as having "no injury." Plus, there are very few studies addressing the impact of subconcussive injuries following head trauma in the civilian population, as opposed to military members or athletes.

"It is estimated that up to 3.8 million concussions occur in the U.S. annually from organized and recreational sports -- and there are more than 2 million ER visits for traumatic brain injuries and concussions," said Papa. "It is a significant health problem in both athletes and non-athletes."

The study looked at patients with concussions, those with head trauma without overt signs of concussion

Victorville Caring for the Caregiver's Dinner

  • 9/25/2019 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Author: Lisa Moss
  • Number of views: 1518

Las Brias

21919 US Highway 18

Apple Valley, Ca 92308


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Lisa Moss
Executive Director



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