Here’s a five-question quiz to take and share with friends. 1. What percentage of baby boomers think they will need long-term care (help with daily activities) as they age, and what percentage actually will need long-term care? 2. What percentage of long term care is provided by family or friends? 3. If there are seven potential (unpaid) family caregivers (age 45 to 64) for every person over 80 today, how many will there be in 30 years? 4. What percentage of baby boomers have no idea of the cost of home care or nursing care? 5. What percentage of baby boomers have enough funds saved to pay for their own long term care? Answers: 1. 36 percent and 70 percent 2. 80 percent 3. Three 4. 80 percent 5. 10 percent Based on two recently released studies, one by AARP and the second by Bankers Life and Casualty Company’s Center for a Secure Retirement, most boomers won’t have enough money to pay for their own care and will be far less able to rely on family and friends for help. ...